Do you want to sell your property?

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Why sell with us?

Your Real Estate Experts Dedicated to Your Success.

Dynamic and passionate, Richard and Julie stand out as exceptional real estate agents. With solid expertise and an in-depth knowledge of the local market, they are fully committed to supporting their clients through every stage of their real estate project. Their ability to understand each individual's specific needs and offer sound advice ensures a personalized and effective approach to every transaction.


Seller resources
Start with the necessary knowledge

Protect yourself with a broker

Doing business with a real estate broker ensures that you are protected by the law. In fact, the Real Estate Brokerage Act and various organizations regulate the profession of real estate brokers to ensure that consumers are served fairly and competently.

Should you buy or sell first

Each option has its advantages and risks. By carefully examining the pros and cons and planning alternatives in case of setbacks, you will be able to make an informed choice.

10 tips for selling your property

We have gathered our top 10 tips when it comes to selling your property. From how to prepare your home to how to interact with your visitors, we will guide you to a successful sale.

Sell quickly through the first impression

When it comes to selling your property, you only have one chance to make a good impression.

The challenge of selling at the right price

The selling price is often the determining factor in the decision of any potential buyer.

Preparing for photo shoot

Before having a photographer come for a photo shoot of your property, make sure to prepare it properly for the best results.

Download our seller's guide for free.

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See what my clients are saying...
My number 1 objective is to guide you with expertise and confidence throughout your real estate journey
Charles Antoine M.

Merci Richard pour ton professionnalisme et tes conseils. On sait ou on s'en va à chaque étape de la transaction. Quelqu'un d'expérience et ça parait.

Élodie G.

Un courtier immobilier de bon conseils. Je n'hésiterais pas à faire appel à lui lors de ma prochaine transaction immobilière!

Pierre M.

On recoit l'heure juste. Professionnel du début à la fin.

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